Don't let security be your worry, you're safe in our hands.

Caring for someone in Abson, BS30 a System that will alert you remotely if they are in distress.
Home Care Systems
Average rating:
4.9, based on
1000 reviews
from £
450.00 to £
Professionally installed - by
1st October
Excellent service from the day I placed the order to the neat and tidy installation, would really recommend.
A Home Care System helps to ensure that help can be called easily if the occupant is in the event of an accident. Western-Security-Systems, Bristol, Bristol, BS30 can install a Home Care System in Abson to help you Care for a person in their Home without constant supervision.
In an emergency in Abson, BS30, Call Systems are used to alert responsible parties to attend.
Care Systems
Average rating:
4.9, based on
1000 reviews
from £
600.00 to £
Neat and tidy Job - by
1st October
Neat and tidy installation, would really recommend. great service throughout.
In Abson Western-Security-Systems, Bristol are able to install a Call System specifically for Bristol, BS30 Lone Workers, Disabled Toilet Alarms, NHS and private Doctors Surgeries and Hospitals. The Call System can be configured for your specific needs.
Looking for a nurse call system; assistance needed?
We will come and discuss your specification, identify the British Standard requirements and design a compliant system accomodating all of your needs. To arrange a visit with a Western professional security and safety consultant
please call 0800 040 7591.
PS: If you prefer and can email us a floor plan of your premises and relevant documents this may be possible over the telephone.
Home Care Systems
If you have an elderly or infirm dependant in Abson and are unable to provide 24 hour supervision these systems are designed to help. Preprogrammed alerts will send a message to a you so that you can react.
Call Systems
In Abson hospital or care home nurses, a loan workers or disabled toilet occupants will use a Call System to alert a responsible party in the event of assistance being required.
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Abson Home Care Systems | BS30 Home Care Systems | Abson Call Systems | BS30 Call Systems
7F Malago Road, Bristol, Avon, BS3 4JQ
Much of our work comes from personal recommendations from our clients around Abson. For your free no obligation assessment and quotation call 0800 040 7591.
Working closely with the Bristol Fire and Rescue Service and the Avon and Somerset Police Authority we are a quality assured NSI GOLD Installer covering Abson.
We have been installing, repairing and maintaining Home Care Systems and Call Systems around Abson and throughout Bristol since 1982.
datetime="Mo-Su" Monday through Sunday, all day.
+49 01172 591035
A trading name of The Security Network ltd. Registered in England No: 4511308. VAT Registration No: 803 1522 77. © The Security Network ltd 2002 All rights reserved.
For your peace of mind please choose West Country Security Systems. We can install Home Care Systems in the vulnerable persons home, with call buttons that can contact the persons carer if they are in difficulty. We can further configure the System to create an alert if no movement has been detected within a given time period. Linking in Cameras and voice communication with the system will allow the carer to visually confirm and talk to them to verify that they are needed. The Home Care System is fitted with a dialler to notify the carer's telephone or monitored by our monitoring station who will alert the carer.
With Nurse Call Systems the patient has a bed-head call button that they can press if they require assistance. We have adapted these systems for use in doctors surgery for the doctor to request his next patient.
Personal recommendations from our clients in and around Abson generate much of our work. We closely co-operate with the Bristol Health Authority ensuring their standards are met for both for Home Care Systems and Nurse Call Systems so you can have confidence that our installations and service are of the highest quality.
West Country Security Systems can repair Nurse Call Systems and Home Care Systems in Abson that are already installed and can offer a continuing preventative maintenance contract that will ensure that your Home Care Systems and Nurse Call Systems remains fully operational alerting the carer / nurse if any member of your family or their patients are need assistance. Under the cover of our Abson Home Care Systems and Nurse Call Systems preventative maintenance contract you will receive 24 hour, 7 days a week support from our engineers, a reduced price for any repair call outs or replacement parts that may be required to keep your system fully working.
Established in 1982 we are specialists in Nurse Call Systems and Home Care Systems, we undertake the maintenance, repair and new installation of Home Care Systems and Nurse Call Systems for your home, care home, doctors surgery, school or hospital in Abson.
Our staff are all fully trained, security screened and dedicated to ensure West Country Security Systems will give you a friendly and professional service.